################# Sonic Jam ####################
# ( artficial musical intelligence unleashed )
# ( music is in the ear of the beholder )
mn=[:r];for jn in 1..1023
end; n1=[]; n2=[]; n3=[]


synth :dsaw, note: mn[27],sustain: 1000, detune: 0.1, amp: 0.05
synth :dsaw, note: mn[27]+7,sustain: 1000, detune: 0.1, amp: 0.05

use_random_seed 3
live_loop :i1 do
  for x in 0..7; nr=mn[choose(m)]
    if rand_i(9)==2 then n1[x]=nr; end
    synth :pluck, note: n1[x]
sleep 0.25; end; end

use_random_seed 5
live_loop :i2 do
  for x in 0..7; nr=mn[choose(m)]
    if rand_i(9)==5 then n2[x]=nr; end
    synth :pretty_bell, note: n2[x], release: 0.1
sleep 0.25; end; end

use_random_seed 7
live_loop :i3 do
  for x in 0..7; nr=mn[choose(m)]
    if rand_i(9)==6 then n3[x]=nr; end
    synth :fm, note: n3[x]-12
sleep 0.25; end; end

Link: https://sonic-pi-gallery.s3.amazonaws.com/14cfe246d9d32698fdd21df56c90b58f.wav